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Psychoeduc Foundtn


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab


Basic educational and counseling philosophy; tests and measurement theory; professional roles and challenges; the school counselor--psychologists' personal impact on students and programs.

Key dates and events

(1) Identify key dates and important events individuals who were critical in developing the American educational system and the profession of School Psychology.

Special ed laws and ethical codes

(2) Identify the major special education laws and ethical codes guiding the practice of School Psychology, in addition to understanding the common ethical and legal dilemmas in school settings.

School psychologist collaboration

(3) Develop a conceptual framework and understanding of how School Psychologists collaborate in reflective decision-making, meeting the needs of students, parents, teachers, schools, and communities.

Licensing and certification standards

(4) Become familiar with the major licensing and certification standards regulating the practice of School Psychology (national and state level).


(5) Describe the diversity of students served and staff and professionals serving children (ethnic, linguistic, religious, special education needs and numbers of students and staff). Describe the sensitivity and skills needed to effectively serve diverse populations (e.g. considering the range in abilities from intellectually challenged to gifted, age diversity from preschool through adult learners). In particular describe consultative skills required to communicate effectively with parents, teachers, and school administrators across such a variety of backgrounds.

Key research topics, publications and internet resources

(6) Review key research topics, publications, and internet resources related to schools and the practice of school psychology.

Internet resource list

(7) Develop list of internet resources to assist with school based interventions, particularly research-based handouts for parents and teachers on topics such as behavioral interventions, academic interventions, and strategies for improving social skills. These resources will assist school psychologists in identifying effective research-based interventions for IEP goals and accommodations for students identified with educational disabilities.

Contact list

(9) Develop a contact list of local, state, and/or national agencies/programs and professionals from which information can be easily and quickly gathered to assist with staff training, school wide prevention programs, program evaluation, and improving home-school and school-community partnerships.

Disciplinary actions

(10) Investigate disciplinary actions and the impact of alternative educational settings and programs in meeting extreme student behavioral challenges.

Special Education terms

(11) Identify and understand the meaning of special education terms commonly used in school settings.

13 areas of disabilities

(12) Demonstrate knowledge of 13 areas of disabilities described in federal and state guidelines. List assessment tools commonly used in identifying these disabilities and describe associated educational needs.