Multivariate Statistcl Methods
3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab
Inference about mean vectors and covariance matrices; multivariate analysis of variance and regression; canonical correlation; discriminant, cluster, principal component, and factor analysis.
STAT 666
At the end of Stat 666 the student will be able to:
Demonstrate Understanding
Demonstrate understanding of multivariate random vectors and their distributions
Basic Principles of Probability
Use basic principles of probability, statistics, and linear algebra to motivate:
- the comparison of mean vectors
- multivariate regression and canonical correlation
- principal component analysis and factor analysis
- classification and clustering
Produce Analysis
Produce a complete analysis of appropriate multivariate data using SAS and R
"Consulting" Project
Take a multivariate data analysis "consulting" project and
- Indentify appropriate statistical approaches to address the clients problem
- Carry out a thorough and meaningful analysis of the data
- Clearly and effectively defend and communicate their approach and findings to their client in a report