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Theory of Risk

Theory of Risk


3.0 Credit, ARR Lecture, 0 Lab

Exam C

The primary learning outcome of this course is to prepare students for part of Exam C offered by the Society of Actuaries.

Survival/Severity/Frequency/Aggregate Models

Recognize, understand, and complete problems related to Survival, Severity, Frequency and Aggregate models. Learn how to model data for each of these.


Recognize, understand, and complete problems related to basic risk measures.

Empirical Models

Recognize, understand, and complete problems related to fitting empirical models to data and applying statistical estimation procedures.


Recognize, understand, and complete problems related to constructing parametric models: estimate parameters, apply unbiasedness, consistency, UMVUE, and MSE to survival, severity, frequency, and aggregate models.

Simulation and Resampling

Recognize, understand, and complete problems related to learning simulation and resampling methods for model validation.