Substance Use Disorders
CSWE 2015 Competency 6
Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Links to BYU AIM: Lifelong Learning and Service (service)
CSWE 2015 Competency 7
Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Links to BYU AIM: Spiritually Strengthening (importance of human relationships, inherent dignity & worth of the person) and Intellectually Enlarging (competence)
CSWE Competency 8
Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Links to BYU AIM: Lifelong Learning and Service (service)
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, the student should
1. Understand the etiology and epidemiology of substance abuse.
2, Be proficient in describing the diagnostic criteria used in the DSM-IV to diagnose substance abuse and dependence.
3. Have an understanding of the physiological aspects of substance abuse, including tolerance, withdrawal, craving, overdose, and other adverse effects on health in relation to the treatment process.
4. Be able to describe the characteristic symptoms of intoxication, withdrawal, and early recovery from: alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines, cannaboids, amphetamines, cocaine, and hallucinogens.
5. Identify the addictive, relapse, and recovery processes as it affects the client and their family structure, primarily the roles characteristically assumed by family members in the presence of addiction.
6. Understand the issues affecting the dual diagnosis client and gain intervention techniques in the treatment of this specific group.
7. Develop a working knowledge of the community-based support groups (i.e Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous) and their usefulness for addicted persons, their families and/or significant others.
8. Identify and apply the basic principles and components of assessment and intervention with substance abusing clients and their families, including the importance of specific social work values and ethics in the assessment and treatment process.
9. Identify special issues affecting minority populations in the prevention, identification, and treatment of chemical dependence.
10. Gain an understanding of the connection between trauma and addiction and how it affects the treatment process.
11. Understand how spirituality and healing contribute to sobriety.
12. Identify special issues in adolescent treatment and recovery.