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Social Work in the Sch Setting


2.0 Credit, 2 Lecture, 0 Lab


Overview of knowledge and skills essential to the practice of social work in educational settings; emphasizes practical interventions when working with student/family/teacher/community resources.

CSWE 2015 Competency 1

Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

Links to BYU AIM: Character Building (integrity, social justice)

CSWE 2015 Competency 6

Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Links to BYU AIM: Lifelong Learning and Service (service)

CSWE Competency 8

Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Links to BYU AIM: Lifelong Learning and Service (service)


1. To provide students with a basic understanding of public school policies, laws, procedures, roles, and expectations of all players including, administrators, staff (counselors, psychologists, social workers, custodians, coaches) parents and students.

2. To develop an awareness of the resources available in the community to assist families in the school setting.

3. To provide students the opportunity to reflect, synthesize and apply the various concepts examined in class in the context of their own experiences and understanding.

4. Understand the role and expectation of a school social worker.

5. Gain familiarity with research methods into effectiveness of social work practice in schools.

6. Gain knowledge of NASW's standards of school social work practice.