Nursing and Medical Ethics
3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab
Overview of ethical principles and theories, emphasizing role of ethics in nursing; instruction and practice in advanced oral and written communication skills.
Ethical Dilemmas
Evaluate and assess ethical dilemmas with the utilization of appropriate ethical models, application of ethical principles, and incorporation of moral norms.
Pastoral Care
Advocate for patients, families, and caregivers while providing pastoral care in a healthcare setting.
Ethical Decision Making
Evaluate ethical decision making from both a personal and organizational perspective and develop an understanding of how these two perspectives may create conflicts of interest.
Ethical Theories and Sources
Demonstrate knowledge of the various theories pertaining to ethics, and the sources for ethics in sacred texts, personal narratives, traditions, and established legal codes.
Pastoral Identity
Articulate own pastoral identity and call to ministry using scripture, personal narrative, and experience.