Assessment 1: Intelligence
1. Theories of intelligence and empirical foundations
Students will identify and discuss relevant theories of intelligence, as well as the psychometric and empirical foundation for the process of cognitive assessment.
Measurement: Class presentations, quizzes, in-class readings.
2. Identify and articulate professional and ethical issues
Students will identify and articulate pertinent professional and ethical issues related to cognitive assessment.
Measurement: Class presentations, quizzes, in-class readings.
3. Demonstrate competence in measuring cognitive ability
Students will reliably demonstrate competence in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the most widely used measures of cognitive ability, including the WAIS-IV and WISC-IV, and use research and theory to interpret test scores within the constraints of the existing scientific literature.
Measurement: Testing reports.
4. Effectively communicate results of a cognitive evaluation
Students will effectively communicate, orally and in writing, the results of a cognitive evaluation.
Measurement: Class presentations, testing reports.