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Neuroimaging Analysis 1

Neuroimaging Analysis 1


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab
Exposure to the physical and biological bases of image acquisition, the technologies of in vivo neuroimaging, the application of these technologies to understanding questions in neuroscience, and an introduction to the design and analysis of structural neuroimaging experiments.

Physical bases of image acquisition

Students will be able to describe basic principles of MR physics as it pertains to image acquisition

Biological underpinnings of image acquisition

Students will be able to discuss and describe how various biological tissue classes are identified and processed during image acquisition.

Design and analysis of imaging experiments

Students will be able to operate, process and analyze structural imaging data using several standard neuroimaging toolkits

Evaluating the science of neuroimaging methodology

Students will be able to read, critique, and evaluate neuroimaging literature for its merit and scientific rigor.