Data Analysis in Psych Rsrch 2
Introduction to multivariate data analysis methods, including multivariate analysis of variance, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, multivariate multiple regression, canonical correlation, structural equations modeling, cluster analysis, etc.
1. Read and understand statistical methods
Students will be able to read and understand the statistical methods in virtually any empirical article.
Measurement: This will be measured by quizzes and exams.
2. Select appropriate methods
Students will be able to understand what statistical tests to use to answer specific research questions.
Measurement: This will be measured by quizzes and exams.
3. Statistical software use and interpretation
Students will be able to perform—using statistical software—interpret, and write up for publication the results of the multivariate statistical tests most commonly used in psychological science.
Measurement: This will be measured by performance on a group course project, and also on exams.