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Adv Hlth Asses Across LifeSpan

Adv Hlth Asses Across LifeSpan


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab


Development of physical assessment techniques across the life span.
Demonstrate a comprehensive in-depth patient history and physical assessment (H and P) of patients across the lifespan.

Patient History & Physical Assessment

Demonstrates the steps of collecting an in-depth and advanced patient history and physical assessment.

Demonstrate effective and appropriate verbal and written communication skills with patients and members of the healthcare team.


Identifies effective verbal and written communication with patients and members of the healthcare team.

Verbalize cognitive reasoning used to analyze gathered history and physical assessment findings to formulate basic appropriate differential diagnoses.

Types of Physical Assessments

Verbalizes the difference between a comprehensive assessment and a focused or problem-oriented assessment.

Verbalize the difference between a comprehensive asssessment and a focused or problem-oriented assessment and demonstrate each.

Recording Findings

Demonstrates the steps of recording advanced physical assessment findings on patient chart.

Write up the appropriate patient note.

Self-Care Strategies

Develop self-care strategies incorporating technologies, principles, and evidence-based practice.