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Hist & Social Foundations

Hist & Social Foundations


2.0 Credit, 2 Lecture, 0 Lab
Leaders, events, and trends in history of music education, emphasizing sociological implications.

Musical Examples

Students will informally sing, play or use recorded musical examples and excerpts to illustrate concepts they are presenting or discussing to fulfill course requirements.


Students will actively relate class discussions and reporting to their musical experiences as educators, performers, conductors, composer-arrangers, etc.

Staying Current

Students will prepare for class discussions by staying current in reading and research assignments in order to be informed and contribute inspired insights about the art and science of musical teaching and learning.

Lifetime Reading List

Students will develop a lifetime reading list for exploring the history of teaching and learning across a variety of disciplines.

Historical Integration

Students will strive to inform current teaching with historical insights and anecdotally report such results during this course.

Music History and Education

Students will articulate how to use in their own teaching the historical relationship between music as a meaningful body of literature and the educational means for delivering it.

Knowledge Base

Students will regularly engage in class efforts to develop a collective knowledge base about historically informed music teaching principles, practices and trends.

Final Research Project

Students will present, at the end of the course, a final research project with supporting timeline and reading list that demonstrate critical thinking about practical music teaching using primary source materials, consistent documentation-citation styles and acceptable writing mechanics.

Personal Vision Statement

Students will develop and continuously refine a well-grounded personal vision statement about teaching and learning. It is understood that this will be an ongoing process throughout one’s professional career.