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Scholarly Inquiry in Math Ed


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab


Introduction to scholarly inquiry in mathematics education; issues in research methodology.


Students understand and can evaluate important issues, trends, theories, paradigms of research, and research findings in the field of mathematics education, as well as their implications for the teaching and learning of mathematics in the public schools, mathematics teacher development, and participation in mathematics education scholarship.


Graduates understand research methods in mathematics education and can a) locate an interesting and important problem; b) conduct a literature review to situate the problem; c) develop a conceptual framework; d) establish focused research questions; e) choose and implement appropriate methods for collecting and analyzing data; f) address issues of research quality such as validity, reliability, and significance; and g) effectively communicate their work both orally and in writing.

Critical Stance

Students understand the affordances and constraints of research paradigms and methodologies commonly used in mathematics education research and can analyze and critique research on teaching and learning mathematics according to principles of quality research.

Applying Research to Teaching

Students understand how to meaningfully apply research on teaching and learning mathematics in their teaching and use scholarly inquiry as a lens to reflect on that teaching.


Students have developed knowledge and beliefs that enable and compel them to continually seek opportunities to improve their own practice, keep abreast of advances and developments in the field both locally and nationally, and provide leadership in professional, school, and community organizations.

Spiritual Stewardship

Students strive to follow the example of Jesus Christ in both their personal and professional lives, seek consistency between their understanding of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and principles of mathematics teaching and learning studied in this course, and use this enriched understanding of teaching and learning to nurture the divine potential of all in their spheres of influence.