Applied Statistics
Theory and Research
Under the direction of a mentoring professor, students will critically examine, investigate, and integrate the literture for a topic of interest in marriage, family, and human development.
Learning Data Management
Students will learn the basics of entering, cleaning, and manipulating data in SPSS.
Learning Sampling
Students will learn the importance of adequate sampling methods in social science research as well as the common forms of bias that such sampling can create.
Learning Measurement Design
Students will learn the basics of item/scale creation as well as how social scientists create measurement and operationalize constructs.
Learning Applied Statistics
Students will learn how to run, interpret, and write about a variety of basic applied statistical techniques including t-tests, ANOVAs, regression, factor analysis, and cluster analysis.
Learning to Write-up Research
Students will learn how to write research results in APA formatting.
Learning the Reserach Process
Students will continue to develop their understanding of the research process and will understand how scholars go from a research question to a completed and published research article.