3.0 Credit, ARR Lecture, 0 Lab
Fundamental principles of physical metallurgy and their application to design.
Characterization Techniques
Describe common material characterization techniques and their strengths and limitations.
Point and Line Defects
Describe the interactions of point and line defects and their effects on mechanical properties.
Phase Diagrams
Be able to draw, describe and use phase diagrams associated with commonly used engineering materials.
Evolution of Microstructure
Describe/model the evolution of microstructure under non-steady state conditions.
Model non-steady state diffusion in solid materials and predict the difference as a function of time, temperature and species.
Thermodynamics of Nucleation
Describe the thermodynamics and prevalence of both homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.
Isothermal Transformations
Describe the effect of nucleation and growth kinetics on isothermal transformations.
Hardening Mechanisms
Describe the theory behind the different hardening mechanisms of solid materials.