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Research Design

Research Design


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab


Overview of, and experience in, research approaches and methodologies in linguistics and applied linguistics with a concentration on department faculty research interests.

Scientific Method

Understand the scientific method, why it is important, and how it relates to hypothesis testing

Experimental Methods in Linguistics

Become familiar with different experimental methods as they apply to linguistics

Human Subjects Experiment Proposal

Be able to write a proposal to use human subjects in experiments (IRB)

Conference Abstract

Be able to write a good conference abstract

Complete Experiments using Software

Be able to design and carry out experiments using software such as DMDX and Qualtrics

Statistical Tests

Understand, and be able to use statistical tests such as correlation, t-tests, ANOVA, multiple regression, logistic regression, and chi square in SPSS

Thesis Prospectus

Produce a draft of a thesis prospectus