Advanced Networking
Understands history and evolution of 802.1D, Spanning tree, VLANs and their relationships.
Has received experience with real implementation of the concepts.
Bodies and Technology
Has built an intuition of the relationship between standards bodies and technology.
Problem Solving
Has built confidence through problem solving.
Describe Issues
Describe configuration and management issues relative to SNMP MIB.
Perform basic monitoring with SNMP.
Network Management Systems
Describe function and purpose of network management systems such as Zenoss, HP OpenView, Tivoli, OpenNMS.
Perform basic monitoring using some NMS.
VLAN Routers
Explain the interaction of a router and a switch implemented in the same device where the router forwards between VLANs only.
Enterprise Switches
Describe the architecture of a modern enterprise switch-router.
Distance Vector
Explain the details of Distance Vector routing and its advantages and disadvantages relative to Link State routing.
Link State
Explain the details of Link state routing and its advantages and disadvantages relative to Distance Vector Routing.
Describe the function of and uses of MPLS.
Has gained experience and confidence in presenting technical information.
Describe IPv6 and its evolution from IPv4.
IPv6 Adopted Slowly
Explain reasons why IPv6 has not been adopted as rapidly as originally predicted.
Read and Evaluate
Is prepared to read technical literature and evaluate quality of the information.
Read and Present
Is prepared to read technical literature and present the information and its context to an audience of peers.
Continuous Learning
Explain the need for continuous learning in the networking field.