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Measurement Theory


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab


Classical and modern models for measuring human attributes. Issues related to reliability, validity, item selection, scoring, standard setting, and test equating. Use of item response theory and generalizability theory.

Apply Test Theory

Apply the concepts and principles of modern test theory (classical test theory, item response theory, generalizability theory, and confirmatory factor analysis) to

     (a) develop new tests and procedures for assessing latent traits, (b) evaluate and improve existing assessment instruments and procedures, and (c) interpret test scores and ratings in a responsible way.

Understand various measurement theories

Understand the similarities and differences in the ways that reliability and measurement error are conceptualized, operationally defined, and estimated in classical test theory, item response theory, generalizability theory, and confirmatory factor analysis.

Evaluate Measurement Scales

Analyze and evaluate existing tests, scales, and other assessment procedures by

     (a) estimating the reliability of the resulting scores or ratings, (b) identifying likely sources of extraneous variance, and (c) collecting evidence of validity and constructing a validity argument