Sed Petrology - Carb Rocks
3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 2 Lab
Characteristics and significance of limestones and dolomites.
Demonstrate an understanding of the origin of carbonate sediment and rocks.
Be able to identify the basic grain types (skeletal, coated grains, peloids, intraclasts) and understand the processes that produce these grains.
Understand the nature and origin of carbonate mud.
Be able to identify carbonate rocks using the Dunham classification scheme.
Depositional Environments
Be able to identify the main carbonate environments in hand samples and on outcrop.
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy
Demonstrate an understanding of sequence stratigraphic principles as they apply to carbonate platforms.
Understand the six basic diagnetic processes and their effects on the texture, composition, and porosity of carbonate rocks and sediments.