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Metamorphic Petrology


3.0 Credit, 2 Lecture, 1 Lab
Principles of metamorphism, including chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics of metamorphic reactions, geothermobarometery, origin and interpretation of zoned metamorphic minerals, pressure-temperature paths, and metamorphism of pelites, mafic, ultramafic and carbonate rocks. Additional subjects based on interest of the students.

Metamorphic Petrology

Understand the relationships between tectonic settings and metamorphic facies.

Demonstrate an understanding of the thermodynamics of metamorphic reactions.

Understand how mineral zoning can be used to interpret changing metamophric conditions.

Understand the use of analytical equipment and interpretation of analytical data.

Develope the quantitiative skills using thermobarometic calculations to determine metamorphic P-T paths.