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Educ Policy Analysis & Eval


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab
This course will address fundamental issues in the analysis and evaluation of education-related policies, examine prominent evaluations that have been conducted on a local, national, or international scale, and engage students in learning how to approach education policy evaluation.

Ed Policy Design

Situate polilcies within their relevant historical and social context.

Ed Policy Contexts

Assess the impact and effectiveness of existing education policies.

Ed Policy Evaluation

Understand and conduct methodological approaches, such as secondary analysis of large-scale data sets and cost-benefit/cost effectiveness analysis.

Ed Policy Methods

Conduct a search of completed research literature and/or evaluation reports related to a current issue or policy question of interest to public school educators and policy makers at the state or local level.

Ed Policy Review

Interpret the research/evaluation evidence and prepare a written summary of the findings, including defensible recommendations for action based on the findings.