Counseling Psychology and Special Education Department Courses
Phil/Thry Coun Psy
Phil/Thry Coun Psy
3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab
Introduction to counseling psychology. Philosophical assumptions and theoretical perspectives. Integration of science and practice within a consistent philosophical framework.
Philosophical constructs
Strengthen understanding of philosophical constructs and their application to counseling psychology.
Integrated philosophy of science and practice
Develop an integrated philosophy of science and practice.
Become familiar with the history and philosophy of counseling psychology.
Metatheoretical approach
Learn and apply a metatheoretical approach to critically analyzing theories of personality and treatment.
Personal bias implications
Understand the implications of one’s philosophy and theory for multicultural issues in counseling.
Scholarly writing skills
Improve scholarly writing skills.
Academic presentation skills
Improve academic presentation skills.