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School Psychology Practicum


3.0 Credit, ARR Lecture, ARR Lab


Supervised experiences in observing, planning, and implementing effective assessment, intervention, and monitoring strategies in school settings.

CPSE 678R School Psychology Practicum

During the second year of trainingstudents participate in 300 hours of site-based experiences in K-12 school settings. Coursework during the second year of training aligns with practicum assignments.  See the School Psychology Student Handbook, page 41, "Overview of Practicum" 2010-11 Sept 8.pdf .

Students meet two hours each week for small group supervision with two university faculty members. Practicum and courses align, because the assignments require School Psychology students to work with children, families, teachers, and staff. Site-based supervisors are school psychologists who mentor and supervise practicum students in school settings.  The goals of practicum are aligned with the 10 NASP Domains.

More specifically, during FALL semester Practicum students work on projects required in the following courses: 614 (Behavioral Assessment for intervention), 610 (Consultation with School and Family), and 612 (Academic Interventions).   Fall Semester Practicum (678-R) aligns with Domain 1 (data-based decision making and accountability); Domain 2 (consultation and collaboration), Domain 3 (effective instruction and development of cognitive and academic skills), and Domain 8 (Home-school-community collaboration). Students prepare portfolios with work samples that document their competencies in each of the areas identified during specific semesters of practicum.

During WINTER semester (CPSE 678-R), Practicum students work on projects aligned with the following NASP Domains: Domain 3 (effective instruction & development of cognitive/academic skills), Domain 4 (socialization and development of life skills), and Domain 5 (student diversity in development and learning).  Winter semester courses that have assignments students complete in school settings (Practicum sites) include 751 (Counseling Multicultural and Diverse Populations), 602 (Child Social and Emotional Assessment), and 609 (Academic Assessment for Intervention).  Students prepare portfolios with work samples that document their competencies in each of the areas identified during specific semesters of practicum.

Students continue Practicum (CPSE 678-R) during Spring term of their second year.  During this term students complete their hours (Practicum year includes 300 hours in the school practicum site).  Students work on completing their Practicum year portfolio.  655 coursework requires students to evaluate a school's crisis plan, investigate bully-prevention and suicide prevention programs.  Students complete activities that align with NASP Domain 6 (School and systems organizations, policy development, and climate), Domain 7 (prevention, crisis intervention, and mental health), and Domain 9 (research and program evaluation).