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Spir Valu Psychoth


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab
Spiritual values and perspectives, issues, and approaches in counseling and psychotherapy.

Perspectives between behavioral sciences and religion

Gain a greater understanding of historical and current perspectives regarding the relationship between the behavioral sciences and religion

Theistic spiritual perspective

Gain a greater understanding of philosophical and theoretical foundations of a theistic spiritual perspective in psychology and psychotherapy

Ethical Issues with use of religion

Gain a greater understanding of ethical issues associated with the use of religious and spiritual interventions in counseling and psychotherapy

Effective use of religion

Gain a greater understanding of how to effectively use religious and spiritual interventions in counseling and psychotherapy

Clients with diverse religious traditions/perspectives

Gain a greater understanding of issues associated with using spiritual interventions with clients from diverse religious traditions and perspectives

Spiritual Perspectives

Gain a greater understanding of spiritual perspectives regarding scientific discovery and the research process

Suitable research paradigms and methods

Gain a greater understanding of research paradigms and methods suitable for studying religion and spirituality in the behavioral sciences