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Adv NMR Techniques


1.0 Credit, 1 Lecture, 3 Lab
Introduction to techniques such as DEPT, COSY, HETCOR, ROESY, INADEQUATE, HMQC, HSQC, and HMBC.

Outcome 1

Students will gain a deeper understanding of the physics underlying pulse sequences in order to better optimize their NMR experiments.

Outcome 2

Students will use software tools to analyze advanced NMR data.

Outcome 3

Students will be trained to re-tune the NMR probe to nuclei other than 13C for acquiring heteronuclear correlation spectra.

Outcome 4

Students will participate in discussion of advanced topics in NMR. Examples include protein structure determination, NMR relaxation, NMR of oriented systems, etc.

Outcome 5

Students will complete an independent project based on a topic of interest. Examples include a product-operator analysis of a pulse sequence, acquiring and interpreting an advanced NMR experiment on a training sample, or writing a summary of a recent journal article reporting a new NMR pulse sequence.