Coal Comb
Origin of Coal
Students will learn the origin of coal and the basics of chemical structure.
Coal Pyrolyzation
Students will learn how coal pyrolyzes and become familiar with devolatilization models.
Char Combustion
Students will learn the basic principles of char combustion and become familiar with simple and complex models of char combustion.
Mineral Matter in Coal
Students will learn the about the nature and importance of mineral matter in coal, how it transforms during combustion, and fundamentals of deposition.
NOx formation
Students will learn about NOx formation from coal and become familiar with simple and detailed models of N release and NOx formation pathways.
CC Facility Tour
Students will tour an industrial coal combustion facility and appreciate the scale of industrial processes.
Biomass Combustion
Students will be introduced to biomass combustion process and how biomass combustion relates to corresponding coal combustion processes.