Comb Proc
3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab
Fundamentals of transport processes in reacting flow systems with specific applications of various combustion processes.
Global Impact of Combustion Processes
As an introductory course in combustion, students will understand and appreciate the global impact of combustion processes and the wide breadth of applications.
System Analysis & Combustor Design
Students will be able to perform basic combustion calculations involved in system analysis and combustor design.
Combustion Properties
Students will understand basic combustion properties and processes including the following:
- Adiabatic flame temperature, the mixture fraction, and chemical equilibrium
- Thermochemistry, and combustion kinetic mechanisms
- Pollutant formation mechanisms for NOx, SOx, soot, and CO
- Combustion in canonical reactors such as plug flow and perfectly stirred reactors
- Transport equations governing mass, momentum, and energy
- Laminar and turbulent premixed and nonpremixed flame theories, including flame speed, flame lengths, and basic scaling laws
- Concepts of flammability and ignition
- Solid and spray combustion models