Biomedical Engin Principles
Total-body Mass Balances
Students will be able to formulate total-body mass balances including the major incoming and outgoing components for the human body.
Transport Characterisitics
Students will be able to discuss the transport characteristics of biological membranes in terms of permeability and to estimate the ion flux, electrochemical potential, or chemical species concentrations associated with a particular environment.
Neuroprosthetic Device
Students will be able to discuss the factors important to the effectiveness of a neuroprosthetic device.
Man-made Flow Systems
Students will be able to describe and to numerically predict major aspects of the humancirculatory system and the behavior of blood in physiologic and man-made flow systems.
Mechanical Behavior
Students will be able to analyze the mechanical behavior of physiological tissue and biomaterials in terms of stress-strain behavior, viscoelasticity, and motion.
Students will be able to describe the general classes of biomaterials and how they address requirements in various biomedical applications.
Tissue Engineering Processes
Students will be able to describe the basic processes of tissue engineering and the associated cell growth and transport issues.
Medical Imaging
Students will be able to describe the major types of medical imaging and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Students will be able to describe several common strategies used in biosensors and to explain the need for such sensors.
Time Behavior of Chemical Species
Students will be able to formulate the equations to describe the time behavior of a chemical species for given physiological model, transport, and reaction assumptions.
Drug Delivery Systems
Students will be able to describe several medical circumstances for which drug delivery systems would be advantageous and to formulate the equations to describe the release of a drug into a patient under such circumstances.
Students will be able to describe the clinical requirements for hemodialysis and to mathematically estimate the rate of removal of metabolic products by normal kidneys and during hemodialysis.
Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide Transfer
Students will be able to mathematically estimate the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and in artificial oxygenators.
Students will be able to discuss the foundational principles of bioethics and the legal and sociological factors that affect their implementation.