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Univ Teaching 1

Univ Teaching 1


3.0 Credit, 2 Lecture, 3 Lab
An exploration into learning theories that influence teaching pedagogies: understanding how students learn; designing curriculum to fit current research-backed models of learning; understanding assessment strategies; practicing backward design; and preparing graduate students for an authentic teaching experience.

Understanding of the Education Literature

Demonstrate a broad understanding of major findings in the educational research literature.

Apply Theory to Practice

Apply current learning theories to teaching practices at the university level.

Controversy in Education

Appropriately defend, with evidence, one's view on a current controversy in education.

Current Practices

Demonstrate an understanding of current practices in science educational research.

Design Lesson Plans

Design and teach a student-centered, inquiry-based lesson plan, including both formative and summative assessment, for use in your future university classroom.


Demonstrate enthusiasm and excitement for teaching.