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Biology >
Bioinf & Data Analysis 2

Bioinf & Data Analysis 2


2.0 Credit, 2.0 Lecture, 1.0 Lab
Students will develop skills in applying bioinformatics algorithms to biological data and in critically analyzing results. Building on skills and concepts learned in Bio 664, students will learn to write code in the R programming language, perform statistical tests, and create data visualizations. Students will interpret and discuss findings from prior research studies from various biological subdisciplines. Students will conceive, execute, and present an independent research study.

Statistical Programming

Students will be able to write computer code at an intermediate level using the R statistical software.

Statistical Programming

Students will be able to write computer code at an intermediate level using the R statistical software.


Machine Learning

Students will be able to apply basic machine-learning techniques to biological data and draw appropriate conclusions from the outputs.

Machine Learning

Students will be able to apply basic machine-learning techniques to biological data and draw appropriate conclusions from the outputs.


Creating Graphics

Students will be able to prepare publication-quality graphics.

Creating Graphics

Students will be able to prepare publication-quality graphics.