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Biology >
Bioinf & Data Analysis 1

Bioinf & Data Analysis 1


4.0 Credit, 3.0 Lecture, 1.0 Lab
Bioinformatics skills have become critical for biological research. This course is intended to be the first half of a two-semester sequence that introduces students to bioinformatics. Students will be introduced to the Linux operating system, Python, and high performance computing. Students will acquire the skills to perform data manipulations and simple analyses on biological datasets.

Execute Basic Linux Commands

Students will be able to navigate the Linux operating system using a command line terminal and manipulate data files using basic commands.

Execute Basic Linux Commands

Students will be able to navigate the Linux operating system using a command line terminal and manipulate data files using basic commands.

Manipulate Biological Data Via Computer Programming

Students will be able to create computer scripts in the Python programming language to manipulate biological data stored in diverse file formats.

Manipulate Biological Data Via Computer Programming

Students will be able to create computer scripts in the Python programming language to manipulate biological data stored in diverse file formats.