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Art Ed: Issues & Trends

Art Ed: Issues & Trends


3.0 Credit, 3 Lecture, 0 Lab


Seminar topics emphasizing issues and trends in art education. Topics investigated, discussed, and evaluated, depending on student needs.

Research Questions

Students develop research questions that will guide their personal inquiry and graduate research.

Research Literature

Students will become conversant the context of scholarship, artistry and culture that surrounds the field of art education including greater understanding of historical issues and trends.

Research Literature and Research Skills

Students will gain skills and experience in the review of research materials that are relevant to their own interests as teachers, artists and researchers.

Academic Writing

Students will gain experience writing in an academically acceptable style using scholarly sources and references.

Spiritual Dimensions of Teaching

Students will gain insight into the spiritual dimensions of artists and teachers.

Research Methodology

Students will understand various quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and apply appropriate methodologies to their own research.


Students will understand historical and current curriculum theory and its application to the classroom. 

Communities of Practice

Students will actively engage with professional communities of practice through presentations at conferences, academic writing, exhibitions, and service.