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Application Deadline

  • Fall: Mar 15
  • Contact Information

    4064 JFSB
    Admission Requirements
    Required Tests:
    • GRE — optional
    • TOEFL (Total 90 on iBT -- 23 in speaking, 22 in listening, reading, and writing) or IELTS
    Additional Requirements:
    • Resume
    • Writing Sample
    • Applicants should submit a writing sample (peer-reviewed if possible) in English, no longer than 20 pages, that reflects their best single authored work preferably focused on some area of linguistics, language or communication.
    • For those students who did not receive a Linguistics BA, Ling 401, Introduction to Graduate Linguistics, or equivalent course, is required. This must be completed during summer term, before starting the MA program in the fall. Students who believe they have satisfied the prerequisite with an equivalent course at another university should contact the department office at We will need to know where and when you took the course, what grade you received, and a copy of the course syllabus so that we can determine its equivalency to Linguistics 401.
    • Competency in one language other than English at the 200 level. This requirement may be fulfilled while taking program coursework, but those language credits do NOT count toward the total credits needed for the program. 
    In addition to the prerequisite requirements listed above, non-native English speakers must complete the following:
    • LING 501 Advanced Composition must be taken Winter Semester by all non-native English speaking students, but you will be contacted during your first semester about how this requirement may be waived during your first fall semester.
    • Based on the results of the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) taken the first semester, non-native English speaking students may need to take ESL 301 Advanced Academic English, and/or ESL 302 Advanced English Pronunciation, and/or ESL 305 Applied Grammar.
    Program Requirements
    Requirements for TESOL MA Degree 
    • Credit hours (37): minimum 22 course work hours plus 6 thesis hours (Ling 699R), or 6 project hours (Ling 698R for 3 hours) and 3 internship hours (Ling 688R). 
    • Required courses: Ling 610611612620631640660695698R plus 688R, or 699R
    • Elective: 9 elective hours with the possibility of selecting one of the following four specializations:
      • Teaching:  Ling 655670  and 671
      • Curriculum & Materials Development:  Ling 677678670 or 671
      • Program Administration:  Ling 677679670, or 671
      • Curriculum & Assessment:  Ling 677, plus faculty-directed elective, 670 or 671
    • Thesis - Ling 699R (6 hours)
    • Project - Ling 698R (3 hours), plus Ling 688R Academic Internship (3 hours)
    • Oral defense of project/thesis.
    For a more detailed description of the graduate program requirements, see
    Program Outcomes
    Systems of Human Language
    In support of their teaching knowledge and skills, students will demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the major systems of human language (phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax, grammar, semantics, & pragmatics) and how these are integral to language learning.

    Language Learning Theory
    In further support of their teaching knowledge and skills, students will analyze and apply theories of second language learning and acquisition.

    Students will analyze, perform, and communicate professional-levels of research associated with their sophisticated levels of teaching knowledge and skills, understanding of the systems of human language, and language learning theories.

    Teaching Knowledge and Skills
    Examine second language teaching strategies and procedures and apply accepted principles of effective lesson planning, materials development and language testing.

    Program Stats
    Characteristics of Students from Past Academic Year
    Total Students 35.0
    International 10.0
    Male 7.0
    Female 28.0
    LDS 34.0
    BYU Undergraduate 11.0
    Three Year Average Test Scores of Admitted Student
    GMAT Composite Score 600.0
    Five Year Average of Graduated Students
    Average Years to Degree 1.89
    Graduated Per Year 18.6
    GMAT Quantitative Percentile 67.5
    Five Year Average of Admitted Students
    Applied Per Year 17.2
    Admitted Per Year 12.0
    Percent Admitted 69.77
    Average GPA 3.41