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Physical and Mathematical Sciences:
Statistics >


Application Deadline

  • Fall: Feb 1
  • Contact Information

    2152 WVB
    Admission Requirements
    Required Tests
    • GRE and TOEFL, or IELTS
    Additional Requirements
    • Resume
    • Applicants must have the a bachelor’s degree from an accredited US university or the foreign degree equivalent, with a minimum 3.30 undergraduate GPA. We also require two methods courses beyond introductory statistics (at BYU these courses are Stat 230 (ANOVA) and Stat 330 (Regression)), two courses in calculus-based statistical theory (Stat 240 and Stat 340 at BYU), differential calculus (Math 112 at BYU), integral calculus (Math 113 at BYU), multivariate calculus (Math 314 at BYU), and a course in linear algebra (Math 213 and Math 215 at BYU). Beyond the listed courses in Math and Statistics, other courses may be considered in your application.

    Applicants with Foreign Credentials
    • Applicants with degrees that have been awarded outside of the US must complete a foreign credential evaluation with IERF and request to have the official evaluation report sent electronically to BYU Graduate Studies (before the applicable program application deadline) in order to be considered eligible for admission. Please be aware that the IERF process can take up to a month to complete. Plan accordingly to meet the February 1st application deadline.
    Program Requirements
    • Credit hours: Thesis option (33): minimum 27-course work plus 6 thesis hours (Stat 699R). Project option (33): minimum 30-course work plus 3 project hours (Stat 698R).
    • Required courses: Stat 535536537, 624637641642651, and 666
    • Thesis or project.
    • Examinations: (A) comprehensive written examination covering Stat 535, 536, 641, and 642, (B) oral defense of project or thesis.
    • C+ or better in each class, with an overall cumulative 3.0 GPA in MS degree classes and 3.0 in comp classes.
    Program Outcomes
    Statistics Theory
    Graduates will solve problems in probability, statistical inference, and theory of linear models.

    Research and Communication Skills
    Graduates will demonstrate research skills by using data to solve real-world scientific questions, write technical reports, and give technical presentations

    Software Competency
    Graduates of the program will be able to manipulate data, implement statistical methods, document, and debug code in relevant statistical software.

    Program Stats
    Characteristics of Students from Past Academic Year
    Total Students 33.0
    International 3.0
    Male 18.0
    Female 15.0
    LDS 33.0
    BYU Undergraduate 14.0
    Five Year Average of Graduated Students
    Average Years to Degree 1.89
    Graduated Per Year 18.2
    GMAT Quantitative Percentile 67.5
    Five Year Average of Admitted Students
    Applied Per Year 16.6
    Admitted Per Year 13.0
    Percent Admitted 78.31
    Average GPA 3.84