Mass Communications
Application Deadline
Contact Information
Admission Requirements
Required Tests
Additional Requirements
Priority deadline: March 31
Additional Requirements
- Exposure to research and statistics
- Professional competence in written and spoken English
- Resume
Priority deadline: March 31
Program Requirements
The master’s program is intended to serve as preparation for:
Requirements for Degree
- Doctoral studies where theory, teaching, research, and publication are emphasized.
- Advancement in communications professions.
Requirements for Degree
- Credit Hours (34): minimum 28 hours of course work.
- Required courses: Comms 600, 602, 610, 611, 616 (13 hours).
- Electives: 14 credit hours from Comms 604, 607, 612R, 619, 621, 622R, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 640, 691R, 692R, 695R, and/or interdisciplinary substitute courses (with prior approval). Electives determined in consultation with advisor and committee.
- Thesis (Comms 699R, 6 hours minimum) or project (Comms 698R, 6 hours minimum).
- Examination: defense of thesis or project.
Program Outcomes
Understanding The Role of Media in Society
Students will be able to correctly explicate theories from the fields of communication, sociology, psychology, and cultural anthropology and correctly apply them to significant media questions and issues facing individuals, families, and broader social institutions.
Conducting Scientific Research
Students will be able to produce valid and reliable research in the form of theses, projects, conference papers, and peer-reviewed journal articles. Students will be able to use appropriate quantitative and qualitative research methods to answer significant and relevant questions. Students will be able to formulate testable research questions and hypotheses and select the appropriate methodological design to answer their research questions and test their hypotheses. Students will be able to analyze their data using approporiate multivariate statistical tests and arrive at the appropriate conclusions based on those tests. Students will be able to explain the basic ontologoical and epistemological differences that undergird the quanitative and qualitative research paradigms. Students will be able to develop and execute rigorous qualitative research strategies leading to the application and development of grounded theory.
Communicating Effectively
Students will learn to plan communication that serves audience needs and advances the goals of the organizations served by our graduates. Students will be able to apply theory and research to the needs of their employers. Students will increase their capacity to be competent professional communicators.
Developing Scholar-Disciples
Students will understand the nexus between faith. scholarship and character. This program follows the AIMS of a BYU Education, to offer an educational experience that is spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, character building, and that leads to lifelong learning and service.
Students will be able to correctly explicate theories from the fields of communication, sociology, psychology, and cultural anthropology and correctly apply them to significant media questions and issues facing individuals, families, and broader social institutions.
Conducting Scientific Research
Students will be able to produce valid and reliable research in the form of theses, projects, conference papers, and peer-reviewed journal articles. Students will be able to use appropriate quantitative and qualitative research methods to answer significant and relevant questions. Students will be able to formulate testable research questions and hypotheses and select the appropriate methodological design to answer their research questions and test their hypotheses. Students will be able to analyze their data using approporiate multivariate statistical tests and arrive at the appropriate conclusions based on those tests. Students will be able to explain the basic ontologoical and epistemological differences that undergird the quanitative and qualitative research paradigms. Students will be able to develop and execute rigorous qualitative research strategies leading to the application and development of grounded theory.
Communicating Effectively
Students will learn to plan communication that serves audience needs and advances the goals of the organizations served by our graduates. Students will be able to apply theory and research to the needs of their employers. Students will increase their capacity to be competent professional communicators.
Developing Scholar-Disciples
Students will understand the nexus between faith. scholarship and character. This program follows the AIMS of a BYU Education, to offer an educational experience that is spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, character building, and that leads to lifelong learning and service.
Program Stats
Characteristics of Students from Past Academic Year
Total Students
BYU Undergraduate
Five Year Average of Graduated Students
Average Years to Degree
Graduated Per Year
GMAT Quantitative Percentile
Five Year Average of Admitted Students
Applied Per Year
Admitted Per Year
Percent Admitted
Average GPA
Courses and Faculty