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Marriage & Family Therapy

Marriage & Family Therapy

Application Deadline

  • Fall: Dec 1
  • Contact Information

    234 TLRB
    Admission Requirements
    Additional Requirements
    • Resume of relevant social service experience and research experience (Max of 1 page)
      • Exclude mission, service, BSA rank
    • 3 letters of recommendation
    • A recorded video interview (you will receive specific instructions and a link during the submission process)
      • You will be required to respond to three prompts with corresponding questions and time limits. You will be given each prompt individually and a few moments to think before responding to the questions.
    • 4 short essays (750 characters each, maximum)
      • Why do you want to be trained as a Marriage and Family Therapist at BYU? Why MFT instead of other mental health professions? We assume all applicants want to help people; please add more information and context about you specifically and why MFT at BYU.
      • Tell us about a personal quality you have that others would find annoying or off putting. How does the quality show up in relationships? How do you manage this quality in relationships?
      • Tell us about a time you worked hard for something and failed. How did you handle the situation and what did you learn from that experience?
      • What do you want to accomplish in your career after graduation? As part of your answer, tell us what you want to be an expert in and why.
    • Background check is required after admission.

    BYU MFT Programs Admissions Guidelines

    Please read over the MFT program mission statement and Admissions Guidelines prior to completing your application.

    MFT Programs Mission Statement

    In harmony with our sponsoring organization (i.e., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) and the mission/aims of Brigham Young University, the Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) programs focuses on “balanced development” in all student growth areas. This development is carried out in an environment of compassion, inclusion and diversity in order to prepare students to be a healing influence in a world struggling to create safe and meaningful relationships. Both programs utilize a relational perspective (regarding the practice and science of healing) to improve the well-being of individuals, couples, and families. Finally, we strive to be an international leader in process research in order to understand how change occurs and to extend our healing influence beyond campus borders.

    In fulfilling our mission statement, the MFT program is designed to fulfill the mission and aims of BYU, as an educational organization (, including the creation of an “Enriched Learning Environment” ( Therefore, our admission decisions will be based largely upon applicants’ capacities to contribute to the program and their ability to grow in the following areas:
    1. To intellectually enlarge – Applicant capacity to contribute in terms of intellectual enlargement will be assessed largely through GRE scores, GPA, letters of recommendation, and the personal statement description of their educational path.
    2. To spiritually strengthen – Applicant potential to contribute to the programs’ spiritually strengthening atmosphere will be assessed through the personal statement, video responses, any personal/professional experience (work/volunteer service presented on the resume), and their ecclesiastical endorsement.
    3. To build character – Applicant potential to contribute to a character-building environment will be measured largely through the personal statement (in terms of a description of jobs they have had, how they financed their education, personal struggles they are dealing with), letters of recommendations, and the video responses.
    4. Capacity for lifelong service and learning – This will be measured through the personal statement (description of their achievements in this area to date), letters of recommendation, and any personal/professional experience and service described in the resume.
    5. Enriched Learning environment – This will be measured largely through the video responses, personal statement, and personal experiences related to gender, ethnic, racial and other forms of diversity (Please discuss your personal experiences with diversity outside of your mission).
    Program Requirements
    The marriage and family therapy program offers the Master of Science degree as a 22-24 month program. The purpose of this degree is to prepare graduate students to engage in marriage and family therapy practice in the areas of: (a) theoretical competence, (b) clinical competence, and (c) research competence, with an understanding of multicultural diversity. More specifically, at the end of their program students will (a) be able to pass the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB) National Licensing Exam, (b) be effective clinicians and employable as interns, and (c) be able to meet the academic and clinical requirements for the associate/intern MFT license in Utah. Our intent is to prepare the students to function in a wide variety of MFT settings. The curriculum is based on state licensure/certification requirements and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. The master's degree is the basic educational credential for independent practice in marriage and family therapy. It also prepares students for doctoral study. In cases where students wish to complete both their M.S. and Ph.D. studies at BYU, they must be admitted to and successfully complete the M.S. degree program before applying to the Ph.D. program.

    Requirements for Degree.

    During the first two semesters of study, a student in consultation with her/his graduate advisor will commit to completing either the research track (recommended for those planning to pursue doctoral study) or the clinical track.

    Research Track
    • Credit hours (60): minimum 54 course work hours plus 6 thesis hours (699R).
    • Required courses: MFT 605625630649650651652653654655R (18 hours), 656663699R (6 hours) 753.
    • Clinical requirement: 400 hours of direct face to face client experience.
    • Thesis including oral defense of thesis.
    Clinical Track
    • Credit hours (60): minimum 54 course work hours plus 6 project hours (698R).
    • Required courses: MFT 605625630649650651652653654655R (18 hours), 656663698R (6 hours) 753.
    • Clinical requirement: 400 hours of direct face to face client experience.
    • Clinical presentation.
    Program Outcomes
    Marriage and Family Therapy Theory Skills
    Be competent in knowledge of systemic and marriage and family therapy theories.

    Marriage and Family Therapy Clinical Skills
    Be competent in terms of applied clinical skills

    Marriage and Family Therapy Research Skills
    Be competent in the area of MFt research skills, measured by passing the MFT 600 class and the thesis and project defenses.

    Understanding Cultural Diversity
    Understand and respect cultural diversity as a contextual factor in the lives of others, including clients.

    Program Stats
    Characteristics of Students from Past Academic Year
    Total Students 37.0
    International 3.0
    Male 6.0
    Female 31.0
    LDS 37.0
    BYU Undergraduate 30.0
    Five Year Average of Graduated Students
    Average Years to Degree 1.89
    Graduated Per Year 18.2
    GMAT Quantitative Percentile 67.5
    Five Year Average of Admitted Students
    Applied Per Year 20.8
    Admitted Per Year 14.2
    Percent Admitted 68.27
    Average GPA 3.64