Graduate Catalog Skip to main content

Graduate Catalog

President Reese

Message from the President

Welcome to Brigham Young University! This website contains information about BYU’s graduate degree requirements, policies, and course offerings, as well as the University's distinctive mission, which reflects the values of our sponsoring institution, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Notably, BYU's mission statement describes the importance of “selected graduate programs of real consequence” in the furtherance of scholarly work.

Graduate study at BYU provides students with a unique opportunity to incorporate faith with scholarship, an integral part of BYU’s dual heritage. Our graduate programs are designed to provide deep disciplinary knowledge, broad scientific and/or creative discovery, and rigorous individual and collective investment, where students and faculty work together as partners in pursuing significant scholarship. Indeed, belief enhances inquiry and study amplifies faith Through graduate study you will become not only a consumer of, but also a contributor to, the world’s store of knowledge. Please take advantage of the tremendous resources available to you on campus. Through devoted study, observation, and contemplation, your disciplinary skills will be expanded and enhanced, your faith will increase, and you will be better prepared to be a leader in your homes and communities.

We are delighted that you have chosen to pursue your graduate study at BYU. May your experience provide not only the opportunity, but also the ability, to be for the benefit of the world. I wish you my very best as you begin this new journey of discovery, growth and enlightenment.

Shane Reese

BYU Offers Graduate Programs and Specializations

Masters level: 65 programs, plus 29 specializations/certificates (total of 94).
Doctoral level: 25 programs, plus 5 specializations (total of 30).
View Programs

To see course catalogs from previous years, you can look through the online BYU Library archive.