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Physical and Mathematical Sciences:
Geological Sciences >


Application Deadline

  • Fall: Feb 1
  • Contact Information

    S-389 ESC
    Admission Requirements
    Required Test

    Additional Requirements
    3.0 overall GPA in all physical science courses

    Upload a list of upper division Geology courses you have taken. Applicants should have taken the equivalent of courses in this list:
    Geol 351 – Mineralogy
    Geol 352 – Petrology
    Geol 370 – Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
    Geol 375 – Structural Geology
    Geol 420, 421, 422 – Geology Field Studies

    Applicants with Foreign Credentials
    Applicants with foreign credentials must complete a foreign credential evaluation BEFORE the application deadline in order for their application to be considered complete. We recommend using IERF and that you request to have the official evaluation report sent electronically to BYU Graduate Studies. Please plan accordingly as this process may take 6 weeks or longer to complete.
    Program Requirements
    Pursuit of the MS degree not only helps prepare students for exciting career opportunities in areas of distinct benefit to mankind, but it also allows them to experience the challenges and rewards of modern scientific research. It is expected that the thesis work will culminate in new understanding of a problem of scientific significance and that results will be published in a reputable scientific journal.

    Areas of specialization: Earth Science Education, Environmental Geology, and Geology.

    Requirements for Degree.

    Credit hours (30): minimum 24 course work hours plus 6 thesis hours (Geol 699R); 1 hour of Geol 591R.

    Courses include:
    • Geology: Geol 601 and others to be determined in consultation with advisor.
    • Environmental geology: Geol 601635636; 9 hours from Geol 411, 435, 445, 521560, 590R (approved by graduate committee), PWS 511, Ch En 411, CE En 545555641654. Recommended: Stat 511
    • Earth science education: Geol 697R (approved by graduate committee); 6–9 hours from Geol 411, 435, 440, 445, 460, 480; 6 hours from IP&T 560564620652661
    • Any additional graduate courses in geology approved by graduate committee may be taken to satisfy remainder of 24 course work hours
    Publishable thesis.

    Examinations: (A) comprehensive oral examination on course work; (B) final oral defense of thesis.
    Program Outcomes
    Effective Investigation and Communication
    Demonstrate competency in scientific investigation, writing, and oral presentation.

    Professional Preparation
    Be employable in geology-related fields or able to further their education in graduate programs.

    Teamwork Skills
    Develop the ability to work independently or in teams on research problems.

    Specialized Thesis Project
    Become specialized in at least one geological subdiscipline, generally related to the thesis project and graduate course work.

    Program Stats
    Characteristics of Students from Past Academic Year
    Total Students 32.0
    International 2.0
    Male 23.0
    Female 9.0
    LDS 31.0
    BYU Undergraduate 14.0
    Five Year Average of Graduated Students
    Average Years to Degree 1.89
    Graduated Per Year 18.6
    GMAT Quantitative Percentile 67.5
    Five Year Average of Admitted Students
    Applied Per Year 11.8
    Admitted Per Year 10.4
    Percent Admitted 88.14
    Average GPA 3.44