Educ Inquiry, Measurement, & Evaluation
Contact Information
Admission Requirements
Required Test
- TOEFL or E3PT exam (for non-native English speakers)
- Must have a master's degree
- Cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher for last 60 hours of course work.
- Letter of intent.
- Employment History
Program Requirements
Students are expected to have previously acquired competencies equivalent to satisfactory completion of these master's level courses.
Students are expected to complete 77 credit hours in the following categories:
1. Foundations of Inquiry in Education: CPSE 789, IP&T 750
2. Designs for Inquiry: EIME 720; CPSE 673
3. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (one course must be completed in this area): Soc 706R; IP&T 753R or CPSE 753R; IP&T 730 or CPSE 730; IP&T 747 or CPSE 747
4. Educational Measurement and Evaluation: IP&T 754; IP&T 692R or EIME 693R
1. The Preparation and Development of Educators
Required courses: TEd 611 and TEd 612
Elective courses: Complete at least one course from the following:
TEd 610, 613, 660, 661, 665, CPSE 605, 611, 618
2. Language, Literacy, and Communication
Required courses: TEd 620
Elective courses: At least 9 additional credits selected from the following
TEd 603, 622, 623; ComD 630, 679
3. Learning and Instruction
Required courses: 6 credit hours including two of these three (CPSE 622, IP&T 620, or TEd 611)
Elective courses: At least 6 additional credit hours selected from the following
CPSE 622, 649, 693R; IP&T 564, 692R, 693R
4. Social-Emotional Development and Intervention
Required course: CPSE 649 (3 credit hours)
Elective courses: At least 9 additional credit hours selected from the following
CPSE 614, 655, 693R; MFHD 660
5. Education Policy Analysis
Required courses: 6 credit hours
Elective courses: At least six hours selected from the following:
Students are expected to have previously acquired competencies equivalent to satisfactory completion of these master's level courses.
- CPSE 629 or IP&T 629: Introduction to Research
- IP&T 652: Assessing Learning Outcomes
- CPSE 651 & IP&T 651: Statistics 1: Foundations
Students are expected to complete 77 credit hours in the following categories:
- Required courses (27 credit hours): EIME 630, EdLF 650, IP&T 653 or CPSE 653; IP&T 739, IP&T 745 or CPSE 745; IP&T 674R, 752, 761, IP&T 747 or CPSE 747, CPSE 730 or IP&T 730
- Elective methods courses (12 credit hours)
1. Foundations of Inquiry in Education: CPSE 789, IP&T 750
2. Designs for Inquiry: EIME 720; CPSE 673
3. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (one course must be completed in this area): Soc 706R; IP&T 753R or CPSE 753R; IP&T 730 or CPSE 730; IP&T 747 or CPSE 747
4. Educational Measurement and Evaluation: IP&T 754; IP&T 692R or EIME 693R
- Content Area Specialty (12 credit hours)
1. The Preparation and Development of Educators
Required courses: TEd 611 and TEd 612
Elective courses: Complete at least one course from the following:
TEd 610, 613, 660, 661, 665, CPSE 605, 611, 618
2. Language, Literacy, and Communication
Required courses: TEd 620
Elective courses: At least 9 additional credits selected from the following
TEd 603, 622, 623; ComD 630, 679
3. Learning and Instruction
Required courses: 6 credit hours including two of these three (CPSE 622, IP&T 620, or TEd 611)
Elective courses: At least 6 additional credit hours selected from the following
CPSE 622, 649, 693R; IP&T 564, 692R, 693R
4. Social-Emotional Development and Intervention
Required course: CPSE 649 (3 credit hours)
Elective courses: At least 9 additional credit hours selected from the following
CPSE 614, 655, 693R; MFHD 660
5. Education Policy Analysis
Required courses: 6 credit hours
- Education Policy Analysis (EDLF 751 or EDLF 665)
- Economics Issues in Educational Leadership (EDLF 780)
Elective courses: At least six hours selected from the following:
- Economics of Education (EDLF 721 or EDLF 621)
- Constitutional Law and Education (EDLF 722 or EDLF 622)
- Independent Study (EDLF 694R)
- Seminar (2 credit hours)
- Internships (6 credit hours)
- Dissertation: (EIME 799R: 18 credit hours)
Program Outcomes
Prepare Reviews of Published Research Literature
1. Students will demonstrate ability to find, interpret, and evaluate published research and evaluation studies relevant to current issues and policy questions in public education and prepare a comprehensive summary report designed to communicate the findings and recommendations to public school adminisrators and policy makers at the local or state level.
Exercise Conscious Ethical Judgment
2. Students will show evidence that they have acquired conscious ethical judgment and demonstrate an understanding of and sensitivity to the kinds of ethical issues that frequently arise when conducting educational research; evaluating educational programs and curricula; or constructing, administering, interpreting, and reporting the results of tests and other assessments of what students have and have not learned. Note: This is an ambitious, multifaceted goal and one that is challenging to assess, but it is too important to ignore or to substitute with a lesser goal that is more directly measureable but does not represent our real intent. We have deliberately used the phrases "conscious ethical judgment" and "understanding and sensitivity to the kinds of ethical issues thar frequently arise" in describing the intended learning outcome here because we have not been able to find alternative words that better describe our intent. These two phrases each represent a latent construct, but they describe our real goals. We have listed specific indicator behaviors in the next column that we are willing to accept as evidence of the extent to which these latent goals have or have not been achieved. However, the indicator behaviors are not the real goals. They are simply behavioral manifestations that we are willing to accept as evidence of our real intent. The phrases we have listed as the real goals provide a context in which the indicators become worth achieving. Without these general instrucitonal objectives, the indicator behaviors lack significance. The approach we have taken is consistent with the twofold approach to describing expected learning outcomes popularized by Norman Gronlund in the l960s and 1970s and in the many subsequent editions of his widely used textbook in response to the behaviorist approach advocated by Robert Mager which trivialized education and reduced it to training. Gronlund advocated writing expected learning otucomes at two, complementary levels which he called General Instructional Objectves (GIOs) and Specific Learner Outcomes (SLOs). The SLOs are operational definitions of the accompanying GIOs or indicator behaviors, but each SLO lacks meaning and significance outside of the context of the accompanying GIO. Together, the GIOs and the accompanying SLOs communicate the real intent and what the instructor is willing to accept as evidence that the intent has or has not been achieved. The first two or leftmost columns in BYU's grid are consistent with the approach advocated by Gronlund. But requiring the outcome described in the first column to be written as an indicator behavior is not only unnecessary, but it defeats the purpose for having two different, but complementary columns. Gronlund advocaes using the term "understanding" as a GIO, and then defining it in terms of acceptable manifest behaviors in the SLOs. Having said all this, i want to add that I have tried to describe our intended goal in the "Program Lerning Outcome" column accompanied by indicator behaviors in the "Evidence " column. I welcome suggestions about how to better describe our real intent in this situation, but I am not interested in misrepresenting or trivializing that intent.
Analyze and Critique Research Proposals Prepared by Others
3. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate written proposals submitted by other scholars to conduct research and/or measurement stuides and formulate constructive suggestions for improving the proposed project.
Plan an Original Research or Measurement Study
4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to plan an original research or measurement study that is likely to contribute to improving educational theory, practice, and/or policy.
1. Students will demonstrate ability to find, interpret, and evaluate published research and evaluation studies relevant to current issues and policy questions in public education and prepare a comprehensive summary report designed to communicate the findings and recommendations to public school adminisrators and policy makers at the local or state level.
Exercise Conscious Ethical Judgment
2. Students will show evidence that they have acquired conscious ethical judgment and demonstrate an understanding of and sensitivity to the kinds of ethical issues that frequently arise when conducting educational research; evaluating educational programs and curricula; or constructing, administering, interpreting, and reporting the results of tests and other assessments of what students have and have not learned. Note: This is an ambitious, multifaceted goal and one that is challenging to assess, but it is too important to ignore or to substitute with a lesser goal that is more directly measureable but does not represent our real intent. We have deliberately used the phrases "conscious ethical judgment" and "understanding and sensitivity to the kinds of ethical issues thar frequently arise" in describing the intended learning outcome here because we have not been able to find alternative words that better describe our intent. These two phrases each represent a latent construct, but they describe our real goals. We have listed specific indicator behaviors in the next column that we are willing to accept as evidence of the extent to which these latent goals have or have not been achieved. However, the indicator behaviors are not the real goals. They are simply behavioral manifestations that we are willing to accept as evidence of our real intent. The phrases we have listed as the real goals provide a context in which the indicators become worth achieving. Without these general instrucitonal objectives, the indicator behaviors lack significance. The approach we have taken is consistent with the twofold approach to describing expected learning outcomes popularized by Norman Gronlund in the l960s and 1970s and in the many subsequent editions of his widely used textbook in response to the behaviorist approach advocated by Robert Mager which trivialized education and reduced it to training. Gronlund advocated writing expected learning otucomes at two, complementary levels which he called General Instructional Objectves (GIOs) and Specific Learner Outcomes (SLOs). The SLOs are operational definitions of the accompanying GIOs or indicator behaviors, but each SLO lacks meaning and significance outside of the context of the accompanying GIO. Together, the GIOs and the accompanying SLOs communicate the real intent and what the instructor is willing to accept as evidence that the intent has or has not been achieved. The first two or leftmost columns in BYU's grid are consistent with the approach advocated by Gronlund. But requiring the outcome described in the first column to be written as an indicator behavior is not only unnecessary, but it defeats the purpose for having two different, but complementary columns. Gronlund advocaes using the term "understanding" as a GIO, and then defining it in terms of acceptable manifest behaviors in the SLOs. Having said all this, i want to add that I have tried to describe our intended goal in the "Program Lerning Outcome" column accompanied by indicator behaviors in the "Evidence " column. I welcome suggestions about how to better describe our real intent in this situation, but I am not interested in misrepresenting or trivializing that intent.
Analyze and Critique Research Proposals Prepared by Others
3. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate written proposals submitted by other scholars to conduct research and/or measurement stuides and formulate constructive suggestions for improving the proposed project.
Plan an Original Research or Measurement Study
4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to plan an original research or measurement study that is likely to contribute to improving educational theory, practice, and/or policy.
Program Stats
Characteristics of Students from Past Academic Year
Total Students
BYU Undergraduate
Five Year Average of Graduated Students
Average Years to Degree
Graduated Per Year
GMAT Quantitative Percentile
Five Year Average of Admitted Students
Applied Per Year
Admitted Per Year
Percent Admitted
Average GPA
Courses and Faculty