Mechanical Engineering
Graduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering (MS)
Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers strong graduate programs in a variety of areas, including combustion processes; computational and experimental fluid mechanics; dynamic and mechatronic systems and controls; heat transfer; product design and development; manufacturing systems and processes; materials and materials processing; optimization; micromechanical systems; biomechanics; aerospace; renewable energy; CAM/CAD; and robotics. Specific research activities in these areas are described on the Mechanical Engineering Department Web page at
The Mechanical Engineering Department offers two graduate degrees: Mechanical Engineering—PhD and Mechanical Engineering—MS.
The Mechanical Engineering Department and the Marriott School of Management offer a joint program leading to a master of science (MS) degree in mechanical engineering and a master of business administration (MBA) degree.
The graduate program in mechanical engineering has about 130 graduate students. The typical time required to obtain an MS degree is approximately two years, whereas a PhD degree usually requires about five years beyond the BS degree. The joint MS/MBA program generally takes about three years to complete.
Chair: Dale Tree
Graduate Coordinator: Eric R. Homer
Financial Assistance
Many graduate students work in the ME department as teaching assistants (TA) or as research assistants (RA). Funding for assistantships and scholarships is administered by individual faculty members. The Department offers a PhD TA Fellowship.