Instructional Psychology and Technology
Graduate Programs
Instructional Psychology & Technology (MS)
Instructional Psychology & Technology (PhD)
Instructional Psychology and Technology is a branch of educational study concerned with the ideas, principles, and theories related to the improvement of learning. Students of instructional psychology and technology seek to identify and implement improvements in instruction while endeavoring to understand the principles that govern these improvements. These solutions are implemented in educational settings in public schools and universities, business, industry, the government, the military, the community, and the church.
The objective of the Department of Instructional Psychology and Technology is to enhance learning by improving instruction and teaching. In partnership with others, the department will (1) search for knowledge that improves instruction, (2) apply knowledge and technology to solve instructional problems, and (3) empower students with knowledge and skills in instructional development, research, evaluation, and measurement.
Students in each degree program are required to take basic courses in the following areas of disciplined inquiry in instruction: design and development, research, measurement, and evaluation. They are also required to acquire collateral tools from other disciplines such as statistics, computer science, human resource management, and communications. Specialized courses are offered to deepen the candidate’s knowledge and theoretical sophistication. Professional skills are developed through extensive project and internship experiences offered in the schools, church, home, and community.
The Department of Instructional Psychology and Technology offers two degrees: Instructional Psychology and Technology—MS and Instructional Psychology and Technology—PhD.
Approximately thirty students are enrolled in the MS program and fifty students in the PhD programs. Full-time MS students should be able to complete an MS degree within approximately two years; full-time PhD students with an MS in instructional psychology and technology should be able to complete the PhD within three years.
Master’s and doctoral students in other departments wishing to take a minor in Instructional Psychology and Technology should counsel with the instructional psychology and technology faculty member appointed to their graduate committee in selecting the appropriate courses (9 hours of course work required for a master’s minor, 12 hours for a doctoral minor).
Chair: Peter Rich
Graduate Coordinator: Richard West
Resources & Opportunity
Instructional Psychology and Technology utilizes the David O. McKay Education Building for the majority of its classrooms and resource centers.
The school and department provide extensive computer and multimedia facilities for student use. Macintosh and Windows computers are available in various computer laboratories. Most of these computers are connected to the university broad-band network, which provides convenient access to a large number of computer-based software tools, such as SPSS and SAS statistical analysis programs, and extensive online library research tools.
For a more detailed description of the graduate program requirements, see the department Web site at
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available mainly in the form of paid internships through the Instructional Psychology and Technology Department, other departments within the university, and various agencies external to the university. Limited funds are available for partial tuition scholarships for students with emergency financial needs. Other financial aid is available through the university.