Graduate Programs
MA Mass Communications
The School of Communications offers a broad-based master’s program designed to promote critical thinking and research with a particular focus on the interaction between media and society.
The program of study prepares students with the theoretical background, methodological expertise, and critical thinking skills needed both for continued studies at the doctoral level and informed professional practice. It emphasizes communications theory and quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Specialized topical areas include literature of journalism, communication history, media and religion, international media and communication, communication ethics and law, persuasion, public relations and leadership, and media effects.
One graduate degree is offered through the School of Communications: Mass Communications—MA. A minor in mass communications is also offered.
Approximately fifteen students are admitted to the master’s program each fall semester. The anticipated time spent in completing requirements for the master’s degree is two years.
Fax: 801-422-0160
Graduate Program Manager: Debby Jackson
Graduate Coordinator: Pamela Brubaker
Director: Ed Carter
Resources & Opportunity
Facilities. The School of Communications is housed in the George H. Brimhall Building. Also affiliated with the department are news media, advertising, public relations and broadcast laboratories and television studios. Graduate students interested in applied studies may structure work in these media outlets into their programs.
Communications Research Center. The Research Center offers state-of-the-art technology and software. Mass communications graduate students have access to staffed statistics and eye-tracking laboratories.
Other resources include a focus group room with audio and video recording capabilities and a social media monitoring center. All resources are supervised by our Director of Communications Research.
For a more detailed description of the graduate program requirements, go to
Financial Assistance
The principal types of financial aid and awards available to mass communications graduate students are teaching and research assistantships, along with some full- and half-tuition scholarships. Under the direction of faculty, teaching assistants oversee undergraduate classes and labs in advertising, broadcasting, journalism, and public relations. Research assistants work closely with graduate faculty in their research and publication activities. Applications for assistantships and scholarships are available online at